SCHROEDER, Severin. (DOB: 24.12.80 in Dresden). (RkM). 05.03.98 entered the Heer (Inf.). 21.08.99 promo to Lt. 21.05.07 promo to Oblt. 01.10.12 promo to Hptm. WWI served with the Infanterie. Postwar, remained with the Reichsheer (Inf.). 19.10.16 awarded Ritterkreuz des königliche-sachsischen Militar-St. Heinrichs Ordens. 1919 instructor with the Lithuanian army. 01.07.21 promo to acting Maj. 01.09.21 promo to Maj. (RDA 01.07.21). 01.02.28 promo to Obstlt. 31.01.31 retired. 01.02.31 promo to Oberst. 03.33 joined the NSDAP (to 12.35). 01.06.36 appt Fürsorge-Referent with Luftkreis-Kdo. III. 01.07.36 trf to the Luftwaffe and designated an Erg.-Offizier (Luftwaffe) with a rank of Oberst. 01.06.38 appt Leiter des Wehrmacht Fürsorge und Versorgungsamt (armed forces troop welfare and care office) Dresden. 05.02.40 ordered to the Wehrmacht-Fürsorge und Versorgungs-Abt. Danzig. 20.02.40 appt Leiter of the Wehrmacht-Fürsorge u. Versorgungsamt XX, Danzig. 01.04.41 promo to Gen.Maj. 28.02.43 in Stab/stellv.Gen.Kdo. XX. Armee-Korps, retired. 01.03.43 recalled to service and placed at the disposal of Luftgau-Kdo. III. 31.05.43 retired. 08.05.45 into Soviet captivity. 1949 released. 15.12.53 in Dresden.